Vijayanand Film Review a biopic of Vijay Sankeshwar | LATEST FILM REVIEW


Vijayanand is a biographical film that tells the story of Vijay Sankeshwar, a prominent businessman and politician from Karnataka. The film follows Sankeshwar’s journey from working in his father’s printing press to building his own transport business and eventually entering politics and starting his own newspaper.

Plus Points:

  • Strong performances from Ananta Nag and Prakash Belawadi
  • Effective production design, capturing the bygone era effectively
  • Interesting story of Sankeshwar’s rise to success

Minus Points:

  • Lead actor’s portrayal of older Sankeshwar lacks emotional depth and facial expressions
  • Lack of dramatic tension and slow pace
  • Documentary-like approach fails to create excitement for the audience

Overall, Vijayanand is a film that tells the story of Vijay Sankeshwar’s journey from a small-town businessman to a prominent political figure. While the film does a good job of outlining the key events of Sankeshwar’s life, it fails to engage the audience on an emotional level and lacks the dramatic tension needed to keep the audience invested. As a result, it may appeal more to audiences in Karnataka, where Sankeshwar is well-known, but may not be as successful with Telugu audiences.

Detailed Review:

Vijayanand tells the story of Vijay Sankeshwar, a businessman and politician from Karnataka who has achieved great success in his career. The film begins with Sankeshwar working in his father’s printing press and eventually branching out to start his own transport business. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Sankeshwar perseveres and eventuallyenters politics and starts his own newspaper, taking on the establishment in the process.

One of the plus points of the film is the strong performances from Ananta Nag and Prakash Belawadi. Nag plays Sankeshwar’s father and delivers a nuanced and emotional performance, while Belawadi is equally effective as the newspaper owner. Kannada star Ravichandran also shines in his brief but key role.

Another highlight of the film is the effective production design, which effectively captures the bygone era in which the film is set. The sets, costumes, and cinematography all contribute to a convincing portrayal of the time period.

However, there are also several weaknesses in the film. The lead actor, Nihal Rajput, does a decent job in the younger portions of the film but struggles to portray the mature Sankeshwar with the necessary emotional depth and facial expressions. As a result, the audience may find it difficult to connect with the character on an emotional level.

Another issue with the film is its lack of dramatic tension. Despite the interesting story of Sankeshwar’s rise to success, the film fails to create a sense of excitement or tension for the audience. This may be due in part to the film’s documentary-like approach, which fails to create the sense of drama that is often necessary in biographical films.

Finally, the film’s slow pace may also be a turn-off for some viewers. At over two hours in length, the film may feel too long for some audiences, and the lack of excitement or tension may make it feel even longer.

Overall, Vijayanand is a film that tells the story of Vijay Sankeshwar’s journey from a small-town businessman to a prominent political figure. While the film does a good job of outlining the key events of Sankeshwar’s life, it fails to engage the audience on an emotional level and lacks the dramatic tension needed to keep the audience invested. As a result, it may appeal more to audiences in Karnataka, where Sankeshwar is well-known, but may not be as successful with Telugu audiences.

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