User opted out of platform on Facebook Soulution

User opted out of platform on Facebook Soulution

Hello my friends I’m here today with this articleto show you the Facebook error if you are trying to share your post on the Facebook today from your blog from your website from your YouTube channel and you see this error user opted out for platform the action attempt is this is disallowed because the user has opted out of Facebook platform so what I have to show you up right now is if you see this error you can’t do anything about it it’s because it’s Facebook problem it’s not your website problem so let me show you if I want to share a video you will see the error so lets me share on the Facebook right now here it is choose the page .

 you manage in my case I will choose tips to fix say something about it but I don’t have to say anything right now just post on Facebook and you’ll see the error so oh is the same thing on the on the website so if you go on the post and you try to share on the Facebook you will see a page pop up here and you are able now to post on newsfeed or your story you can share on your own personal user but you can’t share on the page you manage so let’s choose the page you manage and choose I will choose tips to fix here and post on the Facebook and see let me try if it works if I share on my own and I will choose here only me for the moment and just post to Facebook from my personal account it’s working from personal account and it’s not working on the page you manage I will show you right now and I will read you some comments on the on the Facebook bug report .

so just copy this copy this error if you want to see more comments go here on the developer Facebook developers and in the back area here’s on a bag area just paste this message here and let’s see what we have we have a lot of people who posted the a report they did the bug report on the Facebook but we will read the first one and if you see a lot of users have the same problem today Facebook team is saying thanks for reaching out and so you are having this issue we have managed to reproduce this problem we are insisting this to an engineering team for further investigation so it’s a facebook problem it’s not our website it’s not your website it’s you know it’s not zoom problem it’s not YouTube’s problem it’s a Facebook problem they will fix it the problem.

 is it’s only on the page you manage so what do you have to do now if you want to post your video or your post your content your page or something don’t share directly from your website just go on the Facebook on the page you manage and go to write a post as normally we do so here it is and it will work so you just do this till the facebook can fix the error if Facebook knows about this problem and the guys are working 

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