Sowmyaa Menon Starring Leharaayi Movie Review | Ending Explained


Meghana (Sowmyaa Menon) is a well-bred woman who promises her doctor father, Purushotham (Rao Ramesh), that she will never fall in love and make him sad. Karthik (Ranjith Sommi) is a student who dislikes making excuses and saying sorry. One day, Meghana proposes to Karthik to escape a harasser. Does Meghana really love Karthik? What does Purushotham do next? The film follows the relationship between Meghana and Karthik and the role of Purushotham in their lives.

Positive Elements:

While the story itself is not particularly unique, the director tries to present it in a different way by introducing a new plot point. Actor Ranjith Sommi has improved his acting skills in this film and looks decent. Actress Sowmyaa Menon is beautiful in the romantic comedy and gives a decent performance. This is her second Telugu film as a lead actress. Rao Ramesh gives a standout performance in the tailor-made role of Meghana’s father. Naresh, Satyam Rajesh, and other actors also give good performances in their respective roles.

Negative Elements:

While the plot is okay, the director’s narration is unimpressive. Despite having good songs, comedy, and action scenes, the film fails to engage audiences due to dull narration and unnecessary scenes, particularly in the first half. The lead actors look good but could have given stronger performances. Some of the songs are pleasant, but their placement is inappropriate. The remaining songs become a hindrance to the film.

Technical Aspects:

Director Ramakrishna Paramahamsa fails to present a routine story in an engaging manner. The cinematography by Balreddy and the music by Ghantad Krishna are good. Prawin Pudi’s editing could have improved the film by trimming down the first half. The production values are satisfactory.


Overall, Leharaayi is a routine romantic drama with a weak story and poor narration. Despite Rao Ramesh’s impressive performance and a couple of pleasant songs, the film is a boring affair that is not worth watching this weekend. It is better to look for a more engaging film.

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