How To Work from Home Using TeamViewer Remote PC

How To Work from Home Using TeamViewer Remote PC 

hello my friends today I will tell you how to use your computer remotely from your home I know this situation is very bad for the moment covering a virus is spreading everywhere so you need to make your work from home today I will show you how to use TeamViewer on easy tutorial easy steps so first of all what you need to do you need to install TeamViewer on your desktop search for TeamViewer first search for Team Team Viewer it’s free application you don’t have to pay for the moment but if you use too long and when Tim you were understand you are using too much TeamViewer for work and they will ask you for pay and here it is Tim you were is trying to get ok just keep keep it anyway click on TeamViewer or open up the folder double click on the TeamViewer icon

 ok here is very important to follow me carefully so how do you want to proceed default installation it’s ok and how do you want to use team your company or commercial use and you choose personal don’t forget that personal non-commercial use but if you want to buy it in view where you use it as a company here you can choose the first one but for free use personal and clip asset .

I have now the team you were installed okay here it is TeamViewer is located here on the notification area ok so here is my ID and here is my personal password so how it works if you want somebody else to come in on your computer right now you can give this ID to somebody else with this ID you are a lonely guest to come in your computer and here is the password so don’t worry about that because the password is a random every time you restart the computer this password change okay I will show you how to install now TeamViewer on your work so I’m using any desk here and I will login in my work computer so here is my workstation what I have to do now I have to install TeamViewer on the remote computer Team Viewer ok so get the TeamViewer I’m ge team you were on the host computer ok acceptable cookies here it is so don’t forget to use personal non-commercial use and use default installation click accept ok as you see and the work computer I have TeamViewer installed so Tim you were is giving me now the ID and the password so with this ID and with this password I can access my work computer so let’s let’s copy this ID.

 we need to have it here is the ID in your work computer do not use this random password because every time you log out or every time when internet disconnected from your work computer it will this password it will be changed because it’s dynamic password what you need is to have a static password on your work computer just go to extras here go to options and here I suggest you start Tim you were with Windows and when you click that option it automatically gives you an opportunity to put the static password so let’s put a static password let’s put test test 2020 okay this is the static password I want to use it for my work computer and click OK congratulations click ok so now the team you were should be here all time and we have unattended access .

so here we are we have a static password right now ok guys but if you don’t want to set the static password you use this one is for your friends they just have to give you this password for this time and that’s it and you can get access so now we have a client so let’s say this is a work computer so here is my personal team you were so to control the remote computer you need to paste the ID copy and paste it here so if you want just file transfer you can use file transfer but if you want a remote control full remote control click here and click connect now TeamViewer is asking for authentication so I will paste here the password and just paste it and logon here we are I can work from home now in my work computer ..

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