How to Verify Your Domain on Facebook

Verifying Your Domain Name on Facebook

Today, we’re going to go over how to verify your domain name on a Facebook page. If you have a website, like in this example, and you want to verify this domain name with your Facebook page, it’s important to do this verification. Sometimes, when you post something and you want to share the post from your website link to a Facebook page, Facebook may block your content. To avoid this, it’s important to link your website and Facebook page together by verifying the domain name.

To start the verification process, go to Facebook Business Manager and click on the “Business Settings” tab. Under “Brand Safety,” select “Domains.” If you don’t have any domains listed yet, click “Add” and enter your domain name (in this case, You will then be given the option to choose between DNS verification and Meta Tag verification.

For DNS verification, log in to your domain registrar and visit the DNS record section. Create a TXT record in your DNS configuration with the value provided by Facebook. Then, go back to the Facebook page and click “Verify.” If successful, you will see a green checkmark next to your domain name.

For Meta Tag verification, get the HTML file provided by Facebook and upload it to the root of your website. Then, go back to the Facebook page and click “Verify.” If successful, you will see a green checkmark next to your domain name.

Once your domain name is verified, you can be confident that your website content will not be blocked when shared on your Facebook page.

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