How To Fix Processor Heat Problem Change Thermal Paste

How To Fix Processor Heat Problem Change Thermal Paste


In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to fix a processor heat problem by changing the thermal paste on your computer. This is a common issue that can cause your computer to freeze or struggle with processing tasks, and can also cause your computer to restart frequently. We will be using a Dell Precision as an example, but the process should be similar for other computers as well.

Step 1: Remove the radiator

First, you will need to remove the radiator from your computer. You will need a screwdriver for this. On the Dell Precision, there are four screws that hold the radiator in place. Once you have removed the screws, unplug the fan controller and carefully lift the radiator off of the computer.

Step 2: Clean the processor and radiator

Next, you will need to clean the processor and radiator. The thermal paste that is used to help cool the processor may have dried out, which can cause overheating. Use a toothbrush or a cloth to gently remove the old paste from both the processor and the radiator. Make sure to clean all areas thoroughly, as any remaining bits of old paste can interfere with the new paste.

Step 3: Apply the new thermal paste

Now it’s time to apply the new thermal paste. Take a small amount of paste and apply it to the processor, spreading it evenly across the surface. Then, do the same thing with the radiator, applying the paste to the underside of the radiator.

Step 4: Reassemble the radiator

Put some new thermal paste on the processor. This can be done by using a small dab of paste on the center of the processor, then spreading it evenly with a flat, non-abrasive tool such as a plastic spatula or a credit card.

Step 5: Put some thermal paste on the bottom of the radiator as well. This will help to transfer heat from the processor to the radiator more efficiently.

Step 6: Place the processor back onto the motherboard, ensuring that it is properly aligned and seated in the socket. Make sure that all four corners are properly fitted into place and that the triangle on the corner of the processor is aligned with the triangle on the corner of the socket.

Step 7: Reattach the radiator to the processor, making sure to use all four screws to secure it in place.

Step 8: Connect the fan connector back to the motherboard.

Step 9: Reassemble the rest of the computer and power it on to test that the issue has been resolved. If the processor heat problem persists, you may need to try a different thermal paste or consider seeking professional help.

In conclusion, changing the thermal paste in your processor can help fix problems such as freezing or slow processing speeds caused by high temperatures. To do this, you will need to remove the processor and radiator, clean off the old paste, apply new paste to both the processor and radiator, and reassemble the components. It is important to be careful and thorough in this process to avoid damaging your computer. Following these steps can help improve the performance and longevity of your computer.

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