How to Connect Bluetooth Wireless Earbuds to Phone

How to Connect Bluetooth Wireless Earbuds to Phone

Hello my friends and welcome on this tutorial I will show you today how to connect   earbuds which Iommi me earbuds these are very good stuff I bought this online to make your Wi-Fi earbuds basic so the very basic thing there is a small box  is with magnetic inside and here it   is both of them are here so I will show you on  this video tutorial how to connect both of them   with your mobile with your smartphone or if you want to connect one of them.

 first of all what   you have to do is very simple you make sure you  put both of these earbuds on the box close it open   up again you see the red line on both of them okay  remove remove this from the Box 1 and 2 so remove   both of them and keep it on your hand okay what do  you have to do just click both of them in the same   time so now I just shut it down pushing all the  button on both of these of ear pads you but just   right now 1 2 3 hold it ok for 3 seconds now you  will see the left one it’s it’s turn the light off   and the right one it’s blinking so now this device  are connected together and they are waiting for my  smartphone to be connected now so this is the sign  these two earbuds are connected together but the   the right one is the one who are waiting to can  with your smart mobile okay and now you will see   on the Bluetooth area there the right ear bud  and you will connect it with this I would say   right now .

and after then you will hear the sound  on both of this okay I will show you now exactly   what you have to do on your mobile so as I told  you you will see the earbuds here on the Bluetooth   area so scroll from up to here you will need to  turn on the Bluetooth all the Bluetooth now click   on and you will see pair devices Mitchell Wi-Fi  it’s ready to connect and you click the pair ok   as you see me through wireless basic air is now  connected and active in my smart mobile this is   how you connect earbuds with your smart phone if  you only need to connect one of them and you don’t   want both of these earbuds to use it during the  day what do you have to do you put those back here   on the box ok put this both robots on the box and take the one you like to have during the day.

 just take one I take this it was in the blinking  line and you just connect with the one you like   and you connect it on your phone you will see air  but left or air but right and you will connect it   so well thank you guys for watching on this video  tutorial if you have any questions just write   me a comment below and also in the next video I  will show you how to fix the common error comes   with this air box if you have any problem with  connection I will show you in the next video how   to reset earbuds and make it work again 

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