2023 LATEST REVIEW Masooda: A Horror Film Review

 Masooda: A Horror Film Review


Masooda is a horror film that tells the story of Nazia, a young woman who starts behaving peculiarly, causing her mother and neighbor to suspect that she is possessed. The film follows their efforts to help her and uncover the mystery behind her behavior.

Positive Elements

  • The film stays true to the horror genre without injecting unnecessary comedy.
  • The second half of the film is particularly strong, as the mystery behind Nazia’s behavior is revealed and the film becomes more interesting.
  • The pre-climax and climax episodes are especially chilling, thanks to effective sound design.
  • Thiruveer gives a standout performance as Gopi, the concerned neighbor.
  • The film’s technical aspects, including the background music, cinematography, and production values, are all strong.

Negative Elements

  • The film moves at a slow pace, particularly in the first half.
  • The transition between scenes is not smooth, and the screenplay could be improved.
  • The love track between Thiruveer and Kavya is not effective and takes up too much screen time.
  • The film becomes predictable at times and may not appeal to all viewers.
  • The film is too long and could have been trimmed, especially in the first half.


Masooda is a mixed bag. While it boasts strong technical aspects and performances, it is bogged down by a slow pace and a predictable storyline. Horror fans may still want to give it a chance, but it may not appeal to everyone.

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